About Anna
Go back to names listAnna is a classic name that has spread in popularity around the world. This is a great choice for parents looking for a traditional name.
Detailed Meaning
A Latinate variant of Anne, this name is common in numerous European languages.
Famous People With This Name
Anna Kournikova is a Russian tennis player who won the Australian Open Grand Slam twice during her career. Anna Nicole Smith is an American model. Anna Chancellor is an English actress who has appeared in films such as “Four Weddings and a funeral,” “St Trinian’s,” and “The Carer.”
Possible Nicknames
Possible nicknames for Anna include Annie, Ani, Nan, An, Anne and Ann.
Related Names
Alternative spellings include Ana and Annah.
Stories Featuring This Name
Anne Bates is a character from the BBC One television show, “Downton Abbey.” Anna Watson is a character from the popular book “The Girl on the Train” by Paula Hawkins. Anna is the protagonist in the Disney film, “Frozen.”
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