

Meaning:noble; bright; famous


Pronunciation:al bee

Variations:-Coming Soon-

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About Albie

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Although Albie is not a very popular name (many would rather go for the more common Albert), it is nonetheless a very cute name for a baby boy.

Detailed Meaning

A shortened version of the Germanic name Albert, which is said to derive from Adalbrecht. Albert has been a popular name amongst various royal families, and Albie follows the trend for popular abbreviations. Albie may also be considered a friendly version of Albus, after Harry Potter character Albus Dumbledore.

Famous People With This Name

As this is a rare name, there are not very many people who are famous who also have this name. Albie Lopez is an American baseball playe and Albie Morkel is a South African Cricketer, while Albie Rosenfeld is an Australian rugby player.

Possible Nicknames

Albie already sounds rather affectionate on its own, although it could be further shortened to Alb, or Bie.

Related Names

Related names include Albert, and it can also be spelt Alby or Albee.

Stories Featuring This Name

Albie is the main character of the British cartoon, “Albie,” which follows a six-year-old boy who has a wild imagination, which always gets him into trouble.

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