Game of Thrones Baby Names

In celebration of “Game of Thrones” returning to our television screens, why not take a look at our baby name list inspired by the show? Below are a few names that could work quite well and not be too outrageous a baby name choice.


Arya is a unisex name. For boys its origins are from ancient India and for girls it originates from Hebrew, meaning ‘lioness.’


Brandon was originally used as a surname that combined the Old English words for a broom orgorse (brom) and a hill (dun). It may also be considered a variant of Brendan.


Catelyn is an alternative spelling of Caitlin, itself the Irish form of Katharine. Caitlyn is a well-loved name in English-speaking countries and is especially popular in America.


Gilly is most likely thought to be refer to the gillyflower, a pink flower that is similar to a carnation.


Originally a pet form of James; Jamie is now a common given name for both boys and girls.


Joffrey is a variation of the name Jeffrey, which is a common English boy’s name. The name Geoffrey is the precursor to Jeffrey, from the German Gottfried meaning ‘God’s peace.’


Jon is a variation of the popular name, John. The name John was of great importance in early Christianity. It was borne by John the Baptist and John the Apostle. The name was also borne by many saints and by 23 popes. In its various forms in different languages, it has been the most perennially popular of all Christian names.


Ned is a pet form of Edward, but also a name in its own right.


Petyr is a variation of Peter, which is the English form of the most well known of Christ’s apostles. The name means ‘rock’ and has been in constant use since the Middle Ages.


Robb is a variation of the name Rob, which is a short form of Robert. Introduced to Britain by the Normans, Robert has since remained in the spotlight as a popular first name. It is often shortened to Bob as well.