Greek Goddess Baby Names

We’ve had the Greek Gods, now it’s time for the Goddesses! Check out our list of baby names inspired by the powerful Greek Goddesses and your little girl will grow up to be just as strong as her namesake!


Athena is the Latin form of the Greek name Athene, who was the goddess of wisdom and war in Greek mythology. Athena and Athene are popular girls’ names in Greece.


In Greek mythology, Artemis was the goddess of the hunt and the twin sister of Apollo.


Cora derives from the Greek ‘kore’ meaning ‘the maiden.’ Kore was another name for Persephone, a daughter of Zeus in Greek mythology.


Demeter was the goddess associated with the fertility of the earth and also protected the sanctity of marriage.


Hera was the queen of the ancient Greek pantheon. She was the wife of Zeus and the goddess of marriage, childbirth and the home.


In Greek mythology, Hestia was the virgin goddess of the hearth, the family and the state.


Maia is found in Greek and Roman mythology, where it is the name of the goddess of spring and the mother of the god Hermes. Maia is also a variation of the name Maya which means ‘illusion’ and is o en found in Hindu philosophy.


Nephele is an uncommon girl’s name of Greek origin. In Greek mythology, Nephele was a goddess formed out of the clouds in the shape of the goddess Hera, by Zeus.


Nyx is the goddess of the night. She was found only in the shadows of the world and only ever seen in glimpses.


In Greek mythology, Rhea was the mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter and Hera. It is the name of a river which ows through Wales and is a popular Welsh girl’s name.