



Pronunciation:ay yaz

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About Ayaz

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This is a fairly culturally-orientated name and is most likely not used outside of Arabic families. Even within Arabic speaking countries, it is not a very common name. However, if you’re looking for a unique name, Ayaz certainly fits the bill.

Detailed Meaning

Ayaz is an uncommon Arabic boy’s name which is more commonly seen as a surname. The name is derived from the city of Ayask in Iran.

Famous People With This Name

Ayaz Amir is a Pakistani journalist. Ayaz Khan is an Indian actor, best known for his role as Dr. Shubhankar Rai on the Indian television show “Dill Mill Gayye.” Ayaz Mütallibov was the first president of independent Azerbaijan from 1991-1992.

Possible Nicknames

Aaban could be shortened to Ya, or YaYa.

Related Names

There are no related names to Ayaz.

Stories Featuring This Name

As it is unknown exactly what this name means and because it is a fairly rare name, we cannot track down any stories that feature this name, unfortunately.

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