

Meaning:strong mountain


Pronunciation:ah ron

Variations:Aaran, Arin

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About Aaron

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Aaron has been a popular name since the 1990s and for good reason – it is a biblical name and yet it has a sort of freshness to it that other traditional names lack. It is also the moniker for quite a few celebrities and famous figures.

Detailed Meaning

As well as being a biblical name borne by the brother of Moses, the origin of Aaron could be linked to Egypt. The name means “strong mountain,” although according to other theories it can also mean “exalted,” “englightened” or “bearer of martyrs.”

Famous People With This Name

Aaron Carter is the younger brother of Nick Carter, of Backstreet Boys fame. Aaron Eckhart is an American actor (probably best known for playing Harvey Dent in “The Dark Knight”) and Aaron Taylor-Johnson is a British actor (most recently in “The Avengers: Age of Ultron”). Aaron Sorkin is a famous American screenwriter who wrote the screenplays for “The Social Network” and “The West Wing.”

Possible Nicknames

One possible nickname for Aaron could be “Ron.” Alternatively, “Ronny” could also be a much more affectionate form of the nickname.

Related Names

Obvious related names include Aaran, Arin and Aharon. All three names share the same meaning of “strong mountain.”

Stories Featuring This Name

Aaron Hotchner (played by Thomas Gibson) was a main character on the television show, “Criminal Minds.” Aaron was also a character on both the animated series “Pokémon” and “Beyblade.” Aaron the Moor is a character in Shakespeare’s “Titus Andronicus.”

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