

Meaning:austere; lion


Pronunciation:a bas

Variations:-Coming Soon-

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About Abbas

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This name is perfect for the baby boys who are lion-hearted and a little bit stern. It is a popular Muslim name and has a very sacred and important history as well. Don’t get this name confused with ABBA, though!

Detailed Meaning

A male name of Arabic origin which means “lion” or “austere” and favoured by Muslim parents. Abbas was the name of the prophet Mohammed’s uncle and ancestor of the Abbasid caliphs who formerly ruled the Islamic world.

Famous People With This Name

This was the name of four separate rulers of Egypt and Persia, a Berber physician and inventor, a South Indian film actor, a famous Iranian photographer and an Iranian film director.

Possible Nicknames

Possible nickname ideas include “Ba” and “Baba” or even “Bas.” Alternatively, you can also call them “Ab” or “Abby,” although that is a girls name.

Related Names

Related names include Abbass, Abbas, Abas and Abaz. All of these names have the same meaning, since they are just different spellings of each other.

Stories Featuring This Name

Al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib was the paternal uncle and companion of the prophet Mohammad. He provided him with protection while he was in Mecca but did not adopt Islam until much later.

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