About Abdul-Aziz
Go back to names listThis is a very popular Muslim boys name and is fairly common in many countries around the world. It is for parents who hope that their son grows up to be pious and faithful to God.
Detailed Meaning
Built from the Arabic words ‘Abd’ and ‘Aziz,’ Abdul-Aziz means “servant of the Almighty.” Al-Aziz is one of the names of God in the Quran and has subsequently been a common name in the Arabic world.
Famous People With This Name
There are many famous figures with this name (and its many variants) but specifically for his entry, we will highlight some interesting people with this name: Abdülaziz of the Ottoman Empire, who was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in the 1800s, Abdelaziz Bennij, a Moroccan footballer, and Zaid Abdul-Aziz, an American basketball player.
Possible Nicknames
Some possible nickname options include “Abby” (although that is a girl’s name) or perhaps “Dullah” or “Dully” even.
Related Names
There are many variants of this name, all of them spelt slightly differently but are essentially the same name: Abdul Aziz, Abd al-Aziz and Abdulaziz.
Stories Featuring This Name
Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib was the father of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. After he conceived his son with his wife, Āminah bint Wahb, heh fell ill and died.
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