

Meaning:of noble kind


Pronunciation:ay da

Variations:Adah, Aida

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About Ada

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Ada is a fairly traditional name and sounds a bit old-fashioned, although that is not a bad thing! This is a great choice for parents looking for something elegant and graceful.

Detailed Meaning

Ada is sometimes used as a pet form of Adele, but is also a name in its own right.

Famous People With This Name

Ada Lovelace was a 19th century English mathematician who programmed one of the first computers in history. Ada Choi is a famous Hong Kong actress. Ada Graves was a children’s writer and distantly related to Robert Graves, the poet.

Possible Nicknames

Some nickname options for Ada can include Ad, AdAd or Addy/Addi.

Related Names

Ada can also be spelt Adah and Aida.

Stories Featuring This Name

Ada McGrath is the protagonist of the 1993 film, “The Piano” played by Holly Hunter. Ada Wong is a character in the “Resident Evil” video game series. Ada was one half of the British television show, “Cissie and Ada.”

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