




Variations:Adel, Adelle

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About Adele

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Adele is a traditional name that has become very popular because of the singer Adele. This would a great classic name for an baby girl.

Detailed Meaning

Adele is the French version of the German name, Adela, meaning ‘noble.’

Famous People With This Name

Adele is a British singer and one of the most well-known musicians in the world. Adele Sandé, better known as Emile Sandé, is a Scottish singer-songwriter. Adele Silva is a British actor best known for her role in the soap opera, “Emmerdale.”

Possible Nicknames

Possible nicknames for Adele could be Ad or Addy.

Related Names

Alternative spellings include: Adel and Adelle.

Stories Featuring This Name

Adele Stackhouse is a character in the American vampire show, “True Blood.” Adèle Verens is a character in the novel, “Jane Eyre.” Adele Webber is a character in the medical drama, “Grey’s Anatomy.”

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