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About Baxter

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Baxter is a modern sounding name due to the “X” in it. This would be a good choice for parents looking for something fresh and new for their baby boy.

Detailed Meaning

Baxter is a name derivede from the Old English word for “baker”. It was popular throughout the late 19th century and early 20th century, but the name has a certain modern ring to it that makes it a popular choice for contemporary babies.

Famous People With This Name

Baxter Dury is an English singer-songwriter. Baxter Hall was an American soldier and drummer during the American Revolution. Baxter Black is a American cowboy, poet, veterinarian and commentator.

Possible Nicknames

A possible nickname for Baxter is Bax.

Related Names

A related name to Baxter is Baxley.

Stories Featuring This Name

Baxter McNah is a main character from the Canadian television series, “Baxter.” Baxter is the name of Ron Burgundy’s dog in the film, “Anchorman.” Baxter Stockman is a character from the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” television series.

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