About Bethan
Go back to names listBethan is a great alternative to the more popular and commonly found Bethany and Elizabeth. If you are looking for something a bit more unique for your baby girl.
Detailed Meaning
As well as being a shortened form of Bethany and Elizabeth, the name Bethan can also be seen as a name in its own right.
Famous People With This Name
Bethan Elfyn is a Welsh radio and television presenter, known for her work for various BBC channels. Bethan Gwanas is a Welsh writer who publishes exclusively in the Welsh language. Bethan Jenkins is a Welsh politician and a member of the National Assembly for Wales.
Possible Nicknames
Possible nicknames for Bethan include Beth or Bethy/Bethie.
Related Names
Bethan can also be spelt Bethane and Bethann. It is also related to Bethany and Elizabeth.
Stories Featuring This Name
Since Bethan is a rather rare form of the name Beth or Bethany, it is not very commonly found in stories. However, Elizabeth “Beth” Childs is a character on the television show, “Orphan Black,” Beth Bailey is a character on “Spooks,” and Beth Clement is a character on the soap opera, “Hollyoaks.”
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