

Meaning:broad wood clearing


Pronunciation:brad lee

Variations:Bradlee, Bradly

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About Bradley

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Bradley is a fresh and modern sounding name that also rolls off the tongue very easily.

Detailed Meaning

Bradley was originally used as a place name which meant ‘broad wood clearing.’ It then became a surname before being transferred to a forename.

Famous People With This Name

Bradley Cooper is an American actor known for his role in the ‘The Hangover’ film series. William Bradley Pitt, better known as Brad Pitt, is a prolific American actor. Bradley Simpson is the lead singer in the British boy band “The Vamps.”

Possible Nicknames

A possible nickname for Bradley is Brad.

Related Names

Alternative spellings include Bradlee and Bradly.

Stories Featuring This Name

Bradley Branning was a character on the soap opera, “EastEnders.” Brad Taylor was a character on the sitcom, “Home Improvement.” Brad Bellick is a character on the television show, “Prison Break.”

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