About Eliot
Go back to names listEliot is a lovely modern-sounding name that is ideal for those parents who are looking for a name with Hebrew origins. It is a variant spelling of the more common Elliot.
Detailed Meaning
Eliot is a unisex given name as well as a surname. It comes from the same Hebrew roots as Elias or Elijah.
Famous People With This Name
Some famous bearers of Eliot include Elliott Wright, a reality television star known for being part of “The Only Way Is Essex.” Elliot Williams is a professional basketball player currently playing for the Santa Cruz Warriors. Elliot Cowan is an English actor best known for his roles in “Lost in Austen” and “Da Vinci’s Demons.”
Possible Nicknames
Possible nicknames include Eli, Ellis or even Leo.
Related Names
Some alternative ways of spelling Eliot are Elliott, Eli, Eliot, Elliot, Elliot, Elyot and Elyott. These are just some spelling ideas and you can customise your baby’s name to make it as unique as you like.
Stories Featuring This Name
Some fictional characters are Elliot Reid, a character in American television series “Scrubs.” Elliot Richards is the main protagonist from the 2000 film “Bedazzled.” Another famous fictional character with Elliot as his surname is Billy Elliot, the titular character in the drama dance film of the same name. The film was turned into a successful West End musical, which played at the Victoria Palace Theatre in London. It ran from 2005 to 2016, closing after 4,600 performances.
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