

Meaning:One who excels


Pronunciation:EM il lee

Variations:Emelie, Emie, Emmie, Emmy, Emilee, Emilie, Emillie

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About Emily

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Emily is a very popular name throughout history and it’s easy to see why. It’s is distinctly feminine and rolls off the tongue easily. This is a firm favourite with many parents and for good reason!

Detailed Meaning

Emily is thought to be the feminine version of the Old Roman family name Aemilius.

Famous People With This Name

Emily Brontë is a British novelist most famous for her book, “Wuthering Heights.” Emily Blunt is a British actress most recently seen in the film “The Girl on the Train.” Emily Watson is a British actress known for her role in “Punch Drunk Love.” Emily Dickinson was an American poet.

Possible Nicknames

Nickname options for Emily include: Em, Emmy/Emmie, Milly/Millie and Mil.

Related Names

Emily is a very customisable name as evidenced by the many ways you can spell it, including: Emelie, Emie, Emmie, Emmy, Emilee, Emilie, Emillie.

Stories Featuring This Name

Emily Bennett is a character on the American television show, “The Vampire Diaries.” Emily Gilmore is a character on the popular television show, “The Gilmore Girls.” Emily Young is a character in the “Twilight” franchise.

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