About Finley
Go back to names listFinley is a very popular boys name that has gained popularity in recent years. It can also be a surname as well as a given name.
Detailed Meaning
Finley is a Gaelic name that comes from the Scottish name Fionnlagh, meaning “fair warrior”. This is a modern spelling of the name is Fynley, which injects a contemporary sense into this traditional boy’s name.
Famous People With This Name
Finley Peter Dunne was an American writer and humourist, while Finley Quaye is a Scottish musician.
Possible Nicknames
An obvious nickname if Fin, a name that can be used even into adulthood. Another option could be Ley, although that is more unusual.
Related Names
As stated above, Fynley is a different spelling of the name but has the same meaning as Finley. The names Finlay and Findlay are also related to Finley.
Stories Featuring This Name
There are not many stories featuring this name, although Finley is the name of several places in various states in the US, and is also the name of an Italian pop-punk band.
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Name | Gender | Rank | Meaning | ||
Name | Gender | Rank | Meaning | ||
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Finlay | Boy | 99 | Fair warrior | Facts |