

Meaning:Ruler of the home


Pronunciation:HEN ree

Variations:-Coming Soon-

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About Henry

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Henry is a traditional name that’s still widely used across the UK, landing in the 15th position in the Top 100 boy names in 2015.

Detailed Meaning

Henry is a German name adopted by Normans who introduced it to Britain. It quickly became a favoured royal name and was most notoriously borne by King Henry VIII.

Famous People With This Name

King Henry VIII was King of England in 1509 until he died, best known for having eight wives during his life. Henry David Thoreau was a famous 19th century American writer. Henry Ford was the American industrialist who created the Ford Motor Company and is father of the modern assembly line. Henry Cavill is a British actor best known for his portrayal of Superman in ‘Man of Steel’ and ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.’

Possible Nicknames

Some possible nicknames include Hal, Hank, Harry, Henny.

Related Names

Alternative spellings of Henry are Henrey, Henri and Henrie.

Stories Featuring This Name

Francesca Simon’s children’s book series, ‘Horrid Henry,’ features Henry as the main character. Henry Mills is a fictional character from the American television series, ‘Once Upon a Time,’ and Henry F. Potter was the main villain in the popular Christmas film, ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’

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