About Holly
Go back to names listHolly is a symbol of Christmas, and it is a wonderful baby name choice as well. It evokes feelings of happiness and warmth, which can only be brought out by festive names such as this.
Detailed Meaning
From the word for the evergreen shrub/tree. Traditionally given to girls born around the Christmas season, where holly clippings have become symbolic of the festive season.
Famous People With This Name
Famous bearers of the name include singer and actor Holly Valance, actress Holly Hunter and television presenter Holly Willoughby.
Possible Nicknames
One possible nickname for Holly could be Hol or Hols. As it is such a short and punchy name, there are not many nickname choices for Holly.
Related Names
There are not any names that are related to Holly, as it is also an English vocabulary word. As such, there are also no variations of it either.
Stories Featuring This Name
Holly Golightly is the protagonist in Truman Capote’s book, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” It was later made into a film starring Audrey Hepburn, and it was she who really made the character famous. The story follows Holly as she lives her unattached, bohemian life in New York City and how she falls in love with her neighbour, Paul, who is an aspiring writer.
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