About Iqra
Go back to names listThis is a fairly culturally-orientated name and is most likely not used outside of Arabic families. However, if you’re looking for a unique name for your baby girl, Iqra certainly fits the bill.
Detailed Meaning
The name Iqra comes from an Islamic word that refers to the process of reading, hence its meaning of ‘to read.’ It is a rare name in Britain, used mainly in Islamic communities.
Famous People With This Name
As this is a rare name, there are not very many people who are famous who also have this name.
Possible Nicknames
Iqra is a rather difficult name to create a nickname for. One possibility could be Iq or Ik.
Related Names
Iqra can also be spelt Ikra or Iqrah.
Stories Featuring This Name
Since this is a fairly rare name, there are not many stories featuring Iqra. However, it is the name of several schools around Britain, which makes sense as the name has an educational meaning.
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