

Meaning:Of Judea


Pronunciation:JOO dith

Variations:Judithe, Judyth

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About Judith

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Judith is a great traditional name for a baby girl and ideally suited for those parents looking for a biblical name.

Detailed Meaning

Judith is a biblical name borne by a Jewish heroine and beautiful widow who delivered her people from invading Assyrians. Judith can be taken to mean ‘from Judea.’

Famous People With This Name

Dame Judith Dench is an English actress best known for her role as M in the iconic “James Bond” film series. Judith Jamison is a American dancer and choreographer. Judith Lang Zaimont is an American composer.

Possible Nicknames

Some possible nicknames are Jude or Judy.

Related Names

Judith can also be spelt Judithe and Judyth.

Stories Featuring This Name

Judith Harper-Melnick is a character from the television show “Two and a Half Men.” Judith Myers is a character from the original “Halloween” films. Judith is a character form the film “The Horse Whisperer.”

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