About Marcus
Go back to names listMarcus is a strong sounding boy’s name that is perfect for any March babies.
Detailed Meaning
The name Marcus, like Marcel and Marco, is derived from the name of the Roman god of war, Mars. It may have typically been given to boys born in March.
Famous People With This Name
Marcus Mumford in the lead singer of the British band “Mumford & Sons.” Marcus Butler is an English YouTube vlogger. Marcus Jordan is the son of the basketball legend Michael Jordan.
Possible Nicknames
Possible nicknames are Mark, Marco or Marc.
Related Names
Marcus can also be spelt Markus.
Stories Featuring This Name
Marcus is a character from the popular book and film series, “Twilight.” Marcus Flint is a character from the “Harry Potter” series. Marcus Burnett is a character from the film “Bad Boys,” played by Martin Lawrence.
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