About Margaret
Go back to names listMargaret has been a popular name throughout history, although it became slightly controversial when Thatcher was Prime Minister. However, it is still a very elegant name and would be a good choice for a baby girl.
Detailed Meaning
Margaret has been an enduringly popular name ever since the Middle Ages. It is derived from the Greek word ‘margaron’ meaning ‘pearl.’
Famous People With This Name
Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990. Margaret Atwood is a Canadian novelist, best known for her dystopian feminist novel, “The Handmaid’s Tale.” Margaret Cho is an American comedian and actress, best known for her role in the sitcom, “All-American Girl.”
Possible Nicknames
Possible nicknames for Margaret include Marg and Maggi/Maggie.
Related Names
Margaret can also be spelt Margeret and Margret. Related names include Margot and Margaux.
Stories Featuring This Name
Margaret is a character in Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing.” Margaret “Peggy” Carter is a character in the Marvel Universe. Margaret “Maggie” Simpson is a character in “The Simpsons.”
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