



Pronunciation:mah reen

Variations:Mehrene, Mehrine

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About Mehreen

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This is a fairly culturally-orientated name and is most likely not used outside of Arabic families. However, if you’re looking for a unique name, Mehreen certainly fits the bill.

Detailed Meaning

Mehreen is a feminine name of Arabic origin and is thought to mean ‘bright.’ It is not a common name in Britain but it is quite a popular choice of girls name for Muslim parents.

Famous People With This Name

Mehreen Raheel is a Pakistani model and actress. Mehreen Mahmud, known by her stage name Mehreen, is a Bangladeshi singer known for her Bangladeshi-jazz fusion music. Mehreen Jabbar is a Pakistani film maker/director, based in New York City.

Possible Nicknames

Possible nicknames include MeMe/Mimi, Reenie or ReeRee.

Related Names

Mehreen can also be spelt Mehrene and Mehrine.

Stories Featuring This Name

As Mehreen  is a fairly rare and culturally based name, we cannot track down any stories that feature this name, unfortunately.

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