About Mila
Go back to names listMila is a lovely yet unconventional name. This is perfect for parents who want to look for something that is not widely used and unique.
Detailed Meaning
Mila is used as a pet form for many Eastern European feminine names. The ‘Mila’ element of the name is usually of Latin origin and meaning something along the lines of ‘pleasant.’ It is not a common name in Britain but due to its use as a pet form of various names, it is quite popular in Eastern Europe.
Famous People With This Name
Mila Kunis is an American actress who rose to fame with her role on the television show, “That’s 70s Show.” Mila Mason is an American country music star. Mila Mulorney is a Canadian politician and spouse of the 18th Prime Minister of Canada.
Possible Nicknames
One possible nickname for Mila is Millie.
Related Names
Alternative spellings include Melah and Milla.
Stories Featuring This Name
Mila is the main character from the children’s book, “The music of Dolphins” by Karen Hesse. Mila Valentia is a character from the popular video game “Skyrim.” Mila is a character on “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.”
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Mila | Girl | 49 | pleasant | Facts |