



Pronunciation:moh na


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About Mona

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Mona is a lovely girl’s name that is short enough that it really rolls off the tongue easily.

Detailed Meaning

Mona is a name found in various forms over many languages and so does not have a distinct origin and meaning. It is also found used for both boys and girls, although it is predominantly feminine. The most likely origin when found in Britain is from Old English. In Old English the name Mona means ‘moon.’

Famous People With This Name

Mona Barthel is a German tennis player.  Mona Johanesson is a Swedish model and is considered one of the top models in Sweden. Mona Simpson is an American novelist and is also the sister of the late Steve Jobs, who founded Apple.

Possible Nicknames

A possible nickname for Mona is Mon.

Related Names

Mona can also be spelt Monah.

Stories Featuring This Name

Mona Vanderwaal is a character from the hit American television series, “Pretty Little Liars.”  Mona was one of Ross Geller’s girlfriends on “FRIENDS.” Mona Simpson is Homer Simpson’s mother on the animated series, “The Simpsons.”

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