




Variations:Neel, Neal, Neill

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About Neil

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Neil is a baby boy’s name that is not very common, although it is fairly traditional in nature. It is a good choice for parents looking for something that isn’t overused.

Detailed Meaning

The name Neil comes from Irish name ‘Niall’, the origin of which is disputed; it may mean ‘cloud’, ‘passionate’ or ‘champion’.

Famous People With This Name

Neil Gaiman is a British writer best known for his books “Neverwhere” and “Stardust.” Neil Patrick Harris is an American actor best known for his role as Barney Simpson on “How I Met Your Mother.” Neil Young is a famous Canadian singer-songwriter and musician.

Possible Nicknames

Since Neil is such a short, one syllable name, there are not many nickname options for it.

Related Names

Neil can also be spelt Neal, Neel and Neill.

Stories Featuring This Name

Neil Pye is a character in the British sitcom, “The Young Ones.” Neil Godwin is a character in the UK version of “The Office.” Neil Goldman is a character in the animated television show, “Family Guy.”

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