About Paige
Go back to names listPaige has become an increasing popular first name for girls recently and is ideally suited for those parents looking for an edgy and trendy baby name.
Detailed Meaning
Paige was originally a surname given to those who served as pages to the lord. Paige then became a popular given name in the US during the 20th century and is usually found on girls.
Famous People With This Name
Paige Nielsen is an American soccer player. Paige Hemmis, is an American television host, and her work includes hosting “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.” Pagie Zemina was an American Olympic swimmer who won the bronze medal at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea.
Possible Nicknames
One possible nickname for Paige is Paigey.
Related Names
Alternative spellings include Page and Payge.
Stories Featuring This Name
Paige McCullers is a character on the television show, “Pretty Little Liars.” Paige Guthrie is a member of the X-Men team. Paige Matthews is a character on the American fantasy show, “Charmed.”
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