About Reuben
Go back to names listReuben is a strong sounding boy’s name and may be a fitting name for an unexpected baby boy.
Detailed Meaning
A biblical name borne by one of Jacob’s twelve sons, and hence a name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. He is portrayed as a devoted son to his mother Leah, but did seduce Billah resulting in Jacob’s curse being placed upon him.
Famous People With This Name
Famous people who share this name include Reuben Fine, an American chess grandmaster, psychologist and university professor. Reuben Noble-Lazarus is a footballer who plays for Rochdale. Reuben Reid is also a footballer who plays for Exeter City.
Possible Nicknames
Possible nicknames for Reuben include Ben, Benny or even Ru/Roo.
Related Names
Reuben can also be spelt Ruben, Rueben and Reuban.
Stories Featuring This Name
Reuben is an alien character from the children’s show, “Lilo and Stitch.” Reuben is a pig character in the video game, “Minecraft.” Reuben is a character from the video game “Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.”
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