About Sophie
Go back to names listSophie is an ideal name for parents looking for something traditional but still lively and very adorable. The name is distinctly French and will give your little girl a sophisticated continental air.
Detailed Meaning
This popular name is of Greek origin and it means ‘wisdom.’ It is the French form of Sophia.
Famous People With This Name
Sophie Vavasseur is an Irish actress, Sophie Kasaei is a reality television star who appeared in “Geordie Shore,” Sophie Turner is an English actress, best known for her role in “Game of Thrones” and Sophie Hunter is a theatre producer who is married to Benedict Cumberbatch.
Possible Nicknames
Sophie is a name with many nickname possibilities and here are just a few – Saffi, Soph and Soficita would make very affectionate pet names for Sophie.
Related Names
Some alternative spellings of Sophie are Sofi, Sofie, Sofy, Sophi and Sophy. It is also closely related to the name Sophia, as it is the French form of the Grek name.
Stories Featuring This Name
“Sophie’s World” is a 1991 novel written by Jostein Gaarder, following the events of Sophie Amundsen. The West End musical, “Mamma Mia’ features a main character called Sophie. Long running British soap opera, “Coronation Street” has a character called Sophie Webster (played by Brooke Vincent).
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Name | Gender | Rank | Meaning | ||
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