

Meaning:garland; crown


Pronunciation:stee vun

Variations:-Coming Soon-

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About Steven

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Steven is a common variant spelling of Stephen, but the “V” lends it an air of modernity that Stephen lacks. This is a great choice for a baby boy name.

Detailed Meaning

Steven is a variant spelling of the name Stephen, which comes from the Greek word ‘stephanos’, meaning ‘garland; crown.’ Stephen is also the name of the first Christian martyr whose feast is celebrated on December 26th.

Famous People With This Name

Steven Moffat is a Scottish television writer and producer most famous for being the head writer of “Doctor Who” and co-creating the BBC’s hit show, “Sherlock.” Steven Spielberg is an American director who made many famous films, including “Jaws,” “E.T.,” and “Jurassic Park.” Steven Seagal is an American actor best known for his martial arts films.

Possible Nicknames

Possible nickname options include Steve and Stevie.

Related Names

Steven can also be spelt Stephen. It is also related to the name Steve.

Stories Featuring This Name

Steven Hyde is a main character on the American sitcom, “That’s ’70s Show.” Steven Trevor is a character in the comic and television version of “Wonder Woman.” Steven Universe is the main character in the animated show of the same name.

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