



Pronunciation:soo mah ee yah


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About Sumaiyah

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This is a fairly culturally-orientated name and is most likely not used outside of Arabic families. However, it has a very noble meaning and is also a very beautiful name in itself, and would be a good choice for parents looking for something more unique and unusual.

Detailed Meaning

Sumaiyah is a variant of the feminine name Sumayyah, which is of Arabic origin and was the name of the first martyr of Islam. It was also the name of the mother of an important figure in early Islamic history. This has given the name connotations of ‘sacrifice.’ It is a popular name with Muslim parents.

Famous People With This Name

There are not many famous people with this name, although it’s variant and related name, Sumeyye, is the name of three different Turkish sportswomen.

Possible Nicknames

Sumaiyah is a name with many nickname opportunities: Summy, Mai, Maiya and Yaya are just some ideas for affectionate pet names.

Related Names

Sumaiyah can also be spelt Sumaiya, Sumayyah and Sumeyye.

Stories Featuring This Name

Sumayyah bint Khayyat, born in c.550, was the first female martyr in the history of Islam.

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