

Meaning:people power


Pronunciation:teh ree

Variations:Terrey, Terri, Terrie

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About Terry

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Terry is perfect unisex name that is perfect for those parents looking for a strong sounding name.

Detailed Meaning

Terry is commonly found as a masculine name, but it can be considered unisex if changed to the alternate spelling, Terri. It is also considered a shortened version of Terence.

Famous People With This Name

Terry Pratchett was an English writer known for his fantasy novels. Terry Wogan was an Irish radio presenter famous for his BBC 2 radio programme, “Wake Up to Wogan.” Terry Jones is a Welsh actor and comedian best known for starring in “Monty Python.”

Possible Nicknames

A possible nickname for Terry is Tel.

Related Names

Alternative spellings include Terrey, Terri and Terrie.

Stories Featuring This Name

Terry Malloy is the main protagonist in the film “On the Waterfront,” played by Marlon Brando. Terry Boot was a minor character in the “Harry Potter” book series by J.K. Rowling. Terry McCann is a character in the television series, “Minder.”

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