

Meaning:white island


Pronunciation:wit nee

Variations:Whitni, Whitnie, Whitny, Witnee

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About Whitney

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Whitney is modern name ideally for those parents who are looking for a baby girl name that has relations to a great music artist.

Detailed Meaning

Whitney is most commonly found in North America and means ‘white island.’

Famous People With This Name

Whitney Houston was an American singer and two of her most famous songs include: “I Will Always Love You” and “I Wanna Dance with Somebody.” Whitney Port is an American television personality who appeared on the MTV show, “The Hills.” Whitney Thompson is an American model and winner of season ten of “American’s Next Top Model.”

Possible Nicknames

A possible nickname for Whitney could be Whit.

Related Names

Whitney can also be spelt: Whitni, Whitnie, Whitny and Witnee.

Stories Featuring This Name

Whitney Dean is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera, “Eastenders.” Whitney Greene is a character in the Young Adult book, “Just Listen” by Sarah Dessen. Whitney Solloway is a character in the American television show, “The Affair.”

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