Winnie The Pooh


Meaning:blessed with peace



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About Winnie The Pooh

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When you hear the name “Winnie the Pooh,” you may think of the honey-colored bear who wears a red shirt. But more accurately, you should think “cha-ching!” This little bear who started as a doodle in a beloved children’s book has been a thriving franchise for Disney since they bought rights to him and his woodland friends in the ’60s. Winnie the Pooh has starred in many cartoons and specials, both on TV and in feature films. The most memorable TV cartoons wereWinnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day(1970), Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1970) and Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too 1975. In 2011, Disney released Winnie the Pooh, a very successful movie that returned to the roots of A. A. Milne’s original stories.

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