About Zayaan
Go back to names listZayaan is a name that is not typically found outside of Arabic countries, but could be a good choice for parents looking for something more unusual.
Detailed Meaning
Zayaan is a baby boy’s name and a variant of the Arabic name Zayan. It is common as both a given name and as a surname in the Arabic world.
Famous People With This Name
Zayaan is a rather rare name outside of Arabic countries, so there are not many famous people who are called this.
Possible Nicknames
Possible nicknames for Zayaan could be ZaZa, Yan, Yanny or even YanYan – all of them sound affectionate and would be good for close friends and family to use.
Related Names
Other spellings of the name include Zayan and Zayyan. Be careful not to get them mixed up, though, as they have different meanings.
Stories Featuring This Name
Since it is a rather rare name that is not found around the world, there are not many stories featuring this name.
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